Signing up for an entire year for a particular website is really the best option if you are looking to save the largest amount of money. Even though most websites do offer year long memberships these days, not all of them run special promotions on those join options. Here are a few that are current available with increased yearly discounts:
AlluringVixens is home to some of the most beautiful bikini models on the web. Their normal discounted yearly membership rate is $249.95, but if you use our promo code you save an addition $50 bringing the price down to only $199.95. That is a total of $159.45 in savings off the full yearly price. To get this join rate click here and use the promo code alvxyear.
Petite Lover:
If you love petite girls be sure to check out Petite Lover. You can now signup for an entire year at Petite Lover for only $99.95. That is a total of $199.45 in savings. To get this discounted yearly rate simply use this link. No promo code needed.
SpunkyAngels is a massive multimodel website with sizable collection of models and weekly updates. Normally if you signup for an entire year at SpunkyAngels the price is $249.95, but with our promo code you pay only $199.95. This is a total $159.45 in savings over the monthly billing option. To get this deal use this link and enter the promo code sayeardeal.
X-Art is known for producing the hottest artistic hardcore porn videos online today. With our discount you can select either a 1 or 2 year membership and pay $8.33 or $6.25 a month respectively. To get this X-Art discount you need to use this link.