As one of the leading German adult productions studios since 2002, Paradise Films has released countless erotic movies spanning a wide range of niches. With a membership at their exclusive site, you can enjoy full access to all of their most popular movies releases. You will find top-rated series like Allure, Take My Ass, She Got Legs, and Intimacy as well as their most popular solo releases including Girls Get Lucky, Bad Girls, and She’s a Nympho. As of today the member’s area contains a total of 1,360 updates and hundreds of porn stars. To top it off, the member’s area is updated on a regular basis with a brand new high definition scene. Considering our new 90% price break on a membership at Paradise Films, there is no better time than now to snap up this deal.
Our discount at Paradise Films saves you 67 to 90% off your membership every month. Instead of paying $29.95/month the price is lowered to only $4.95/month. That is a savings of $25.00 every 30 days. The only monthly plan that is cheaper than this is a year membership which must be pre-paid. With this type of account you pay $36.00 up front which is equivalent to $3.00 per month. To join Paradise Films on a monthly basis use this link. To join yearly, click here instead.