Reality Kings is not only one of the best porn sites, but it is also one of the most diverse. Currently there are 45+ different sites available from within the member’s area that combined boast thousands of exclusive hardcore scenes with the hottest stars in the business. No matter what type of video you are interested in watching, Reality Kings has you covered. Milfs, lesbians, anal sex, amateurs, blowjobs, big tits, creampies, and facials are just a few of the genres of porn you can access with an account. Best of all, a membership at Reality Kings is now available at a heavily reduced price. The normal cost of an account is $29.95 per month but with our discount you can join for as little as $5.95 per month if you select the yearlong plan. For just $71.40 you receive an entire year of unrestricted access to their entire network. The cost of a month to month plan is also reduced to just $14.95 which is a great alternative to the yearly plan. To get this special discount at Reality Kings you must use this link.
Tag: Big Ass
$9.95 Mike In Brazil Discount – $20 Off
With over 155 scenes available, a membership at Mike In Brazil is a solid idea if you want to access a truly massive selection of Brazilian beauties fucking on film. Their vast archive features regular updates, high definition streaming, full video downloads, and mobile access. As a member you will get to see amazing women such as Sara Rosar, Nayra Mendes, Flavia Oliveira, Rebecca Rios, and hundreds of other Latinas in explicit hardcore action. No other site even comes close when it comes to women this curvy and exotic! As an added bonus, your membership also grants you full access to the Reality Kings network. With this deal you gain access to every site within their network at a price that can not be beat.
Mike In Brazil typically costs $29.95 per month however with our deal for new members you can join for up to $20 off. To get this low of a price you need to purchase a 6-month membership plan for just $59.70. This plan is 67% off the standard rate and brings the cost of a membership down to just $9.95 per month. If you are interested in a monthly plan instead, our deal saves you 50% and lowers your fee to just $14.95 per month. To get this deal at Mike In Brazil you have to use this link.
Big Tits Round Asses Discount – $15 Off
Women with curves, more specifically enormous boobs and gigantic asses, are the main attraction at the porn site Big Tits Round Asses. Out of the 700 scenes currently available within the member’s area, each one showcases women who are stacked upfront and packing a juicy booty in the rear. If you are a fan of porn stars like Ava Addams, Cassidy Banks, or Brooke Wylde, you will find yourself right at home with an account at this exclusive porn site. As a subscriber you gain full access to every hardcore scene within the member’s area as well as several new updates each month. In addition, every subscription includes entry to the BangBros network which consists of over 50+ additional sites.
The normal subscription fee at Big Tits Round Asses is $29.99 on a monthly basis however our discount allows you to join for cheap. If you purchase the standard monthly plan your fee is reduced by $15 to just $14.99. That is a continual savings of 50%. To receive an even cheaper price go with the yearlong plan for just $119.99. This plan saves you 67% and lowers your average monthly fee to just $9.99. To join BIg Tits Round Asses at a discount you have to use this link.
$9.99 Ass Parade Discount – $20 Off
Pornstars with big round asses, including Mia Malkova, Mercedes Carrera, Kelsi Monroe, and Lela Star, are exactly who you will find at Ass Parade. These curvy girls, along with hundreds of others, are packing some serious junk in their trunks so if you are a fan of big booty porn stars you have to be a member of this exclusive porn site. As of today there are a total of 928 scenes available within the member’s area that showcase some of the hottest asses in the porn business. When you join Ass Parade today you gain full access to regular video updates, high definition streaming, matching image galleries, mobile access, and bonus access to the entire BangBros network.
Ass Parade is regularly priced at $29.99 however this special offer allows you to save as much as $20 per month. There are two plans available at the moment at a special price. The first is a month to month plan which is reduced in price by $15 to just $14.99. While this 50% price break offers a continual savings, a yearlong plan offers an even better deal. For just $119.99 upfront, you receive access for a full 12-month period. At this price you save 67% and pay an average of just $9.99 per month. In order to purchase one of these cheaper membership plans you have to subscribe to Ass Parade via their main network site – BangBros. A membership at BangBros includes full access to their entire network of porn sites as well as Ass Parade. To join at a discount you have to use this link.
Round and Brown Discount – Save 61%
They say “once you go black, you never go back,” and the same is true with white men who discover the primal pleasures of fucking dark girls. Their exotic dark skin, big round asses, and intense sexual drive make them some of the most sought after women in the world. At Round and Brown, a porn site from the creators of Reality Kings, these intriguing and beautiful female specimens show off their wild sexual skills and curvy bodies on camera.
Over the last decade, Round and Brown has specialized and excelled in discovering the hottest brown girls with round asses to film for their exclusive hardcore porn videos. This adult site features a truly massive array of exotic dark women having sex on film. The site also features weekly updates and is now captured entirely in 1080p high definition. As of today the member’s area contains an astonishing 359 scenes which date all the way back to June of 2004. As an added bonus, members of Round and Brown also receive free access to the entire Reality Kings network which is comprised of 45+ sites in total. With our discount you gain access to every scene at the cheapest monthly rate currently available.
A membership at Round and Brown is normally listed at $24.95 per month however our discount saves you 30% off a monthly pass and 61% off a 6 month subscription. This deal lowers the monthly fee to just $17.95 and $9.95 respectively. These are the two best price points currently available for a membership. To join Round and Brown at a discount you have to use this link.