If you have a stack of gift cards laying around your house that you will never use now is the time to trade them in for full access to Naughty America! Who knew you could trade gift cards for porn right? The cool thing about this barter system is that it is completely anonymous. The entire process is quick and simple; you select the brand of card you have and then enter the card details. Your balance is quickly verified and then you can redeem your membership. Currently Naughty America accepts approximately 50 different brands of gift cards including Starbucks, Target, Best Buy, Walmart, and Sears.
Here are some example gift card for porn trades:
$15 Starbucks gift card = 16 day membership
$40 Target gift card = 43 day membership
$100 Best Buy gift card = 344 day membership
All you need to do to get started is click here.
January 9th, 2017: Link fixed