Assylum takes fetish porn to the next level by adding a new kind of kink and debauchery unlike anything you have seen before online. The exclusive videos available within the Assylum are not for the faint of heart and should only be viewed by real fetish porn fans. Just watch a few of the free preview videos on the tour to quickly discover just how wild this new site truly is.
There are two account types, called access levels, which are available to select from when you purchase admission to the Assylum. The only difference between the two types is that the premium account includes access to 4K HD videos while the regular plan features only high definition videos. If you do not have hardware capable of displaying a 4K Ultra HD video signal then you need to select the standard access level when you sign up. Our discount applies to both types of access levels!
Our Assylum discount saves you up to 43% off the membership fee for access to this thrilling and new fetish porn site. A regular 30 day membership, normally priced at $34.95 a month, is marked down $5 to only $29.95. The 30 day premium membership plan, which includes access to the 4K resolution videos, is reduced from $39.95 to only $34.95. To receive an even larger discount, up to 43% off, you need to select a 3 month plan. These 90 day membership plans break down to approximately $20 a month and are significantly cheaper than a 30 day membership overall. No matter which membership plan you select, you need to use this link in order to see the discounted prices available for access at Assylum.